The Value of Virtual Product Testing
ASG leader Doug Koeneman shares his approach to verification, validation and uncertainty quantification at ASG
Today there’s a safe and efficient way to test medical devices and products without physically touching them. Engineers, programmers, scientists and designers can test products by creating computer models and analyzing simulations. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the use of computational modeling and simulation is expanding quickly, since it’s more efficient and costs less than physical testing.
There are certain standards needed to ensure reliable computational assessments. Use of these standards helps establish and communicate trust in the model and in the assessment results. According to ASME, “assuring that the computational model has been formed using sound procedures is key and is achieved through the processes of verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ).”
“With the development of the right models, virtual testing is faster and may reveal issues in the system that can’t be discovered through traditional means,” said Doug Koeneman, ASG’s principal and senior consultant. “Likewise, early understanding leads to better decision-making and reduces the needs (and costs) associated with physical testing.”
ASG is at the forefront of efforts to understand the emerging science of how to build trust in simulated models for specific applications, Koeneman said. “We participate with other thought-leading organizations to support independent virtual verification and validation,” he said. For instance, ASG, with other industry partners, such as the National Center for Defense Manufacturing, helped found the V4 institute. V4 Institute offers solutions for simulation and computational models that support data driven business and technical decisions. “This work helps us deliver innovations to patients faster. It also can help increase confidence about both the performance and compliance of the products we help develop,” Koeneman said.
Here at ASG, we strive to provide credible, leading-edge assessments and models to our clients. Visit our services page to learn more about what we do and how we do it.