New Frontiers: Introducing ASG Europe and Jason McGlynn

ASG brings its expertise in Right-First-Time medical device development and commercialization to Europe

ASG is excited to announce its expansion across the pond with the launch of ASG Europe Ltd. 

“With ASG Europe, we’re extending our commitment to client success,” said ASG Co-Founder, Principal and Senior Consultant Doug Koeneman. “We’re adding resources, including Jason McGlynn, a dynamic new leader who will help us support current clients as well as new ones in both the U.S. and Europe.”

Jason joined ASG in April as ASG Europe’s first employee. He’ll serve as director and general manager of ASG Europe, bringing expertise gleaned from manufacturing leadership roles at The Sempre Group and West Pharmaceutical Services. 

Meet Jason and learn more about ASG Europe.

Jason McGlynn, Director and General Manager, ASG Europe

What should people know about you?
I’m exceptionally driven, and I absolutely love working with people. I’ve spent the last four-and-a-half years providing management metrology solutions to leading medical device companies, and I’ve always had a passion for working in design, development and commercialization of medical devices. I just love that I can work on devices and have a positive impact on patients.

Tell us more about ASG Europe.
ASG Europe will be based in Dublin. Our location will put the company within three hours’ drive of any client in Ireland, which is home to more than 350 medical device manufacturing companies. ASG is also within a three-hour flight of most European medical device manufacturing companies. 

At ASG Europe, we’ll support medical device companies in Ireland with the highest level of engineering and expertise to ensure that they get Right-First-Time medical device development and commercialization. We’ll help clients’ businesses ensure their devices meet standards for compliance and regulations, which are constantly evolving. We’ll also bring an adaptable and flexible portfolio of engineers and others to help meet and exceed customers’ expectations.

Exceptional and efficient service is another key component. ASG Europe will be centered around local support services where we have boots on the ground. We want clients to know that when they’re developing a new device or expanding an existing device, ASG Europe will be able to provide expertise and knowledge efficiently. For example, I hope clients will pick up the phone and say, “Jason, I’ve got a real challenge. I need ASG’s specific resources, skills and services, and I want the work done in this specific timeframe.” That’s the type of service we want to offer.

Why did you choose to join ASG and lead ASG Europe?
I was drawn to the challenge of expanding beyond Ireland into all of Europe, and I appreciate the dynamic of working for a family-run business. I’ve enjoyed the agility and flexibility of working within an environment like that and the business model associated with it. I also was excited to work with Doug (Koeneman) again. 

Tell us more about your relationship with Doug.
A long time ago, Doug and I worked together on a device in Dublin. At the time I thought Doug was a client because he was so focused on service, he spent day and night at our facility. I later learned that he wasn’t the client; he was consulting for the client. I enjoyed working with him throughout that year. We clicked.

 What’s your role with the company?
I’ll be a director of ASG Europe, which is a subsidiary of ASG LLC, headquartered in Indianapolis. I’ll also support ASG globally through the leadership team, contributing to and supporting the business on all fronts. 

What are your goals for ASG Europe?
Our first goal is to complete the successful incorporation and expansion of ASG into Europe through ASG Europe. Our five-year goal is to make ASG Europe the indispensable leader in providing scientific and engineering know-how to the development and commercialization of quality, life-enhancing medical devices. I’m ready for the challenge. 

ASG has a unique value proposition. Speed to market is imperative for our clients, and global engineering is becoming more prevalent. With ASG now in both the United States and Europe, we have a fantastic opportunity for both new and existing clients to partner with a global engineering team that ensures accuracy and speed to market.

What are the advantages of operating in Europe?
With ASG Europe, the company currently known as ASG will expand in terms of its team skill sets, products and services. We’ll place a particular focus on design and development, project controls and commercialization. 

Ireland is a mecca for medical device manufacturing, and there are opportunities here to provide local support services in medical device development and commercialization. With ASG, we’re providing a solution to a problem in the market. Ireland is in need of medical device design and development expertise. 

Another major advantage of ASG Europe is an extended workday, with global employees working across time zones. One of the ways this will work is I’ll do my eight hours ensuring European business. I’ll then translate that to my counterpart in the U.S., who will have just kicked off when I’m finished. We’ll get more hours out of the day. 

How will ASG Europe benefit clients?
ASG recognizes that speed to market is critical for its clients. With ASG Europe, we’ll take that a step further. The ASG team has extensive experience and a proven track record in successful medical device development and commercialization. Now that expertise will be expanding to Europe. Medical device clients will have the ability to leverage a highly skilled team in both the U.S. and Europe to ensure they navigate a regulated industry while maintaining high productivity.

How will ASG Europe change the company stateside?
I’m planning to set up a rotation program whereby we’ll give our skilled ASG personnel the opportunity to relocate to Ireland. We’ll experience a blending of cultures. ASG Europe will appreciate and adopt the culture that has made ASG successful, and ASG employees from the U.S. will learn more about what’s happening in Europe. As we build the business in Europe, we’ll ensure that we have continuity and collaboration between both entities. It’s a fantastic opportunity for the ASG family to be given a platform to build their careers and to expand their skills and experience within the medical device industry. There’s a lot to be said for first adopters — whoever wants to support this and be part of the journey. Who knows what it could mean for the individual and the company? 

What kind of culture are you building at ASG Europe?
It’s important to us to partner with clients and suppliers that share our ASG values. Strong relationships and supporting our clients’ needs is an integral part of the ASG strategy.

For ASG employees, the keyword is empowerment. We want to give employees the ability to feel empowered and develop their own careers to the best of their ability, while still giving them the mentorship and leadership they need to ensure they’re making the right decisions. I like the term responsible autonomy. Team members will be given the responsibility in an autonomous way, but they’ll still have somebody to lean on to guide them through the process of learning and growing.

Learn more about ASG and what we do.


Photo at top: With its expansion into Europe, ASG is extending its commitment to client success. Pictured are ASG team leads and senior leadership (from left to right): Logan Metzger, Jason McGlynn, Jason Schnaus, Onna Koeneman, Tanner White, Katie Krock, Doug Koeneman and Suna Sibi.